The epidemic of the virus is still alive | Inland

This is the result of the incident of the Huisartsconsultaties voor Greek klachten de Afgelopen Week op 532 raadplegingen per 100,000 inwoners. This is a clear day over the week before it reaches 537 districts per 100,000 residents, which is now at a high level.

The Covid-19 prevention system is open to children and children in the world. The first day was dead on Saturday, the incident was on 11 per 100,000 people, on 14 per 100,000 of the week. Ook the positivity ratio when testing gaat verder in dalende lijn, net as the virus circulation in the afvalwater.

The author, Steven Van Gucht, has monitored the crocus vacancy – which begins in Vlaanderen this week – for a better understanding of the situation, so that the contacts in the area are reduced.

He has a large number of virus outbreaks, which has a total number of airborne infections that have been reported to men in the winter and have not yet been noticed.
