‘The entire Hunebed Highway (N34) must be doubled’

There should be a four-lane road between Groningen, Emmen and Enschede. That is the wish of Herman Idema of network organization Ondernemend Emmen. According to him, this not only leads to more safety, but also to more trade.

The N34 runs from the head of Drenthe to Hardenberg in Overijssel. Currently, only the section between Emmen and Coevorden-Noord is a four-lane road. If you want to travel further towards the East, you also drive on a two-lane road via the N36. “The slowest determines the pace on almost the entire route. That really needs to change. These roads are among the most unsafe in the Netherlands,” Idema notes. Enterprising Emmen thinks that dangerous overtaking maneuvers can be reduced with more asphalt.

She also finds it important that a ‘comfortable and smooth’ connection is established between Groningen, Emmen and Enschede. He mentions that Emmen, with the university in Enschede and the UMCG in Groningen, is located between two ‘technological hotspots’. “And Emmen has quite a bit to offer in the manufacturing industry.”

“We have been seeing an ever-growing economic relationship between companies from Drenthe and Twente for years,” he continues. “The connections between university knowledge workers and higher professional education students in the three cities are also becoming increasingly intensive. But for real economic connections, growth and strengthening of joint broad prosperity, a good road connection is needed.” He calls the current situation a ‘two-lane drama’

In the eyes of Entrepreneurial Emmen, the infrastructure will be completely in order once the Lower Saxony line has been constructed. This railway line should be ready in 2026 and runs from Groningen via Emmen to Enschede.

Idema realizes that building a four-lane road costs hundreds of millions of euros. “But it would be good for business. The state will earn that back because more VAT is paid. You have to look at the payback period.”

Entrepreneurial Emmen advocates for the province to work together with Overijssel.
