The end of the crime of sedition

Many nerves, many and long conversations out of the spotlight. Complex pacts that are cooked over low heat. And for some it will be a glass half full. For others, half empty. And for the ends, a disaster.

Fortunately, Jordi Turull is out on the streets today and can play politics. Or he tries it before a Puigdemont who orders and commands, from the question of trust ‘fail’ to any weight charge. Turull can act as secretary general of Junts thanks, of course, to some pardons for which some stood up but benefited everyone. It’s like that strike with a ‘happy’ ending that some build and others look at with disdain. But then the benefits of it, although never maximum, reverberate indiscriminately.

Politics returns. And the agreements that, of course, are going to be rejected and fought belligerently by the extremes. Rufián, among others, Republican ‘front line’ in the Madrid Congress, will have a hard time hiding a smile of satisfaction with everything they have called from the maximalism of “empty rhetoric” as the ‘president’ added yesterday Pere Aragones.The crime of sedition falls which is not a minor issue in view of the fire that it is going to cause on the right flank. Pedro Sánchez, as with pardons, has compromised somewhere in between. Giving in on the basics – releasing the convicted – but maintaining their disqualification and without resolving the pecuniary quagmire that now amounts to tens of millions of euros.

The right -where the nerves emerge after the trend drawn by the latest polls- is going to cling to this new mantra to pummel the Government of PSOE and United We Can. they will call you sellouts, traitors and other niceties. On the other hand, nothing that does not happen in Catalonia. The ends shoot to the center aware that theirs is to tighten the rope to get revenue. Junts feeds on ERC as the PP feeds on the PSOE. Sometimes with arguments that look like a sticker. If the flags were exchanged, they could maintain their invectives without modifying anything in their speeches, accusing each other – from their respective trenches and with warrior ardor – of having sold themselves to the devil.

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In the case of Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE, there is a very notable substantive issue in addition to claim responsibility for the de-escalation and having deflated the conflict in Catalonia. And it is if you bet firmly on consolidate alliances with United We Can and the periphery –in particular, due to its weight in deputies, with the Catalan Republicans – or go back to the old ways. Like that disastrous electoral campaign that Sánchez sought hard with a speech that was too similar to that of Ciudadanos.

Day by day There is only one way to avoid a government of the right and the extreme right. And it is that there is an alternative that adds up and that is only possible if the arithmetic of 2019 is repeated. Then, of course, there is the need to correct the right-wing bias of the judiciary, among others. There too they must be brave. This renewal must be faced with determination, knowing what is wanted and not allowing more filibustering. that or be at the mercy of judges who often appear to be to the right of the Popular Party with what is inferred from that. Or one day we are going to find ourselves with a TC that calls into question anything from abortion (like the Supreme Court of the United States) to any law of historical memory, from secularism to linguistic plurality, from the right to strike to universal social benefits.
