The end of summer is in sight! This is the weather forecast for September

You can hardly imagine it, but September is just around the corner! That also means the end of summer. Will Zoetermeer residents also notice this from the temperatures? Matthijs van der Linden from Weatheronline tells more about it.

The meteorological autumn starts on September 1, but there is no autumnal cold in Zoetermeer in the first few days. “It is then mainly dry and with 22 to 27 degrees it is also a bit warmer than usual this period,” says Matthijs.

End of the drought

Matthijs does expect Zoetermeerders to say goodbye to the dry weather on the first weekend of September, despite the temperatures. “The chance of showers increases from then on. We have to take into account that it will gradually become wetter and cooler. It’s going to be a pretty wet month,” he says.


How is the temperature in Zoetermeer in mid-September? Still expected to be quite high. “It will then be about 19 degrees and in the interior it can best be 25 degrees a few times.” There is therefore a good chance that Zoetermeer residents will be able to enjoy the terrace without a coat. At the end of the month, the temperature drops slightly.

Sunniest summer ever in Zoetermeer

Although wet days are coming, Zoetermeer residents can look back on the sunniest summer ever. Never before has it been hot in the Netherlands for so long in a row, breaking the weather record of 1976. That is why it became very dry in Zoetermeer.

Are you curious about what the next few days will look like in terms of weather? Below you can see the weather forecast for Zoetermeer.

Zoetermeer Weather

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