The emotional campaign for Benicio to have a heart

The image of Benicio moves. The three year old babys has a very severe and rare congenital heart disease called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. And he needs a heart transplant to save his life.

For that reason, their parents made an exciting video, looking for their story to go viral and the help they need to appear. “When Beni arrived, our world changed,” they say. and complete: “Our baby has undergone eight cardiac interventions, three of them open heart.”

The first of the operations happened at seven days of life. Five months later there was another and the last one at two and a half years. Benicio fought difficult battles and despite the fact that the doctors searched tirelessly, the alternatives were exhausted.

“The only thing that could save his life is a heart transplant. Time passes and the condition worsens”, say the parents. About Benicio, they say: “He is a very loved child, happy and with an immense desire to live. We need you to help us share his story and reach thousands of people so that the heart that would save our son’s life can appear.”

The motto they propose for their cause to expand says “#Love does not die, love multiplies”. “Let’s reach thousands of homes and together build a society with more empathy, a donor society,” Benicio’s parents propose, to help his son and hundreds of boys who need a transplant.

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