The electronic cigarette is not used to quit smoking

THEThe debate on the effects of electronic cigarette it is always on and studies on the consequences of this alternative to smoking, either loved or hated, are continuing.

Electronic cigarette: is it really necessary to quit smoking?

And, among the latest research, there is the one commissioned by Australian Government Department of Health and conducted by the country’s National Center for Epidemiology and Public Health, whose conclusions are rather clear and not very positive.

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The study: the sale must be banned

According to the analysis, the most extensive of the scientific literature produced so far on the subject, if you want to quit smoking, the electronic cigarette will not only not help, but it will put your health at serious risk. For this reason, the researchers even propose to governments to ban their sale all over the world.

The belief that e-cigarettes somehow serve to quit smoking is not supported by any evidence, but on the contrary non-smokers who try to “vape” for the first time would even be three times more likely to start smoking traditional cigarettes in the future.

Electronic cigarettes: health risks

But there’s more: the report also documents that Prolonged use of the e-cig can have significant health effectsespecially on that of young people under the age of 24, as explained by the professor of Epidemiology and Public Health atAustralian National UniversityEmily Banks, who coordinated the work.

In fact, it was in that age group that the more likely to poisoning, burns and most of all to develop addiction.

Who is against and who is not

Not everyone agrees with the report’s conclusions, of course. And the criticisms of the work of Australian researchers, which falls within the line of analysis that strongly question all the heralded positivity of the electronic cigarettethey are not missing. The same thesis which, moreover, supports the WHO when he says that there is no scientific evidence that e-cig helps to quit smoking.

More and more young people conquered

According to the latest estimates, e-cigarette consumers are between 50 and 100 million. And they are increasing especially among the very youngespecially those living in industrialized countries.

It also happens in Italy where the number of students who converted in the last 4 years has gone from 2.9% to 8.2%. With one more element very worrying: that 76% of under-15s manages to find them on the market, despite being banned under 18.

