The electric Ducati on the track in Vallelunga with Alex De Angelis

The San Marino rider joins the group of testers of the V21L prototype. Shot the first video in action of the bike

The development work of the electric Ducati continues in view of the Moto E championship of 2023 which will see the Borgo Panigale manufacturer as the sole supplier. The first track test took place at the Misano World Circuit in December 2021. Now the former MotoGP rider Alex De Angelis has also become Ducati test rider on the V21L prototype. And the first dynamic video of the bike was shot in Vallelunga. De Angelis, therefore, officially joins the development team, which among the test drivers can also count on the experience of Michele Pirro, the first to get on the prototype.

At work

“From the moment we brought the Ducati MotoE prototype to the track for the first time – explained Roberto Canè, Ducati eMobility Director – the development work on the project has never stopped, not even for a moment. The hard work of all the team is repaying the efforts made through continuous progress that fills us with great satisfaction. In just four months our prototype has already tackled the curves of some of the most important Italian circuits, providing positive feedback. There is still a lot of work to be done. , but the direction is certainly the right one “. The motorcycle for world competition marks the first step in Ducati’s electric breakthrough.
