The election of the ‘councilor’ Teresa Jordà as number 2 of ERC to Congress forces Pere Aragonès to reshape the Government

Deferredly, perhaps so as not to add another image of anxiety to the one created by the results of the municipal elections of 28M, Pere Aragones will execute a remodeling of its Executive with which to face the remaining time of the legislature. The window of opportunity, deep down, he created it, he did immediately and risking conveying a certain sense of emergency, Pedro Sanchez, with the call for general elections for next July 23.

ERC has decided, as reported by ‘El Nacional’ on Friday, to place the ‘councillor’ of Acció Climática, Teresa Jorda, as number 2 on the Republican ticket to Congress, doing tandem with the leader in Madrid, Gabriel Rufián. Sources from the party leadership confirmed Jordà’s entry into the candidacy and added that, “for the moment”, the retouching in the Government would be limited to finding a replacement for him. A “for the moment” that, yes, leaves open the possibility for more pieces to move and, among all, the one that sounds the most strongly – already from 28M itself, when it was speculated that Aragonès would force a crisis of the Government — is that of the head of Education, Josep Gonzalez Cambray.

Former mayor and deputy

The still head of the Acció Climàtica department was already a deputy in Parliament between 2011 and 2018, when she was appointed ‘councilor’ by Quim Torra. As ‘councillor’ she has faced the water crisis derived from the period of 30 months of persistent drought in Catalonia, with divided opinions on its management. Previously, between 2003 and 2011, she was mayor of Ripoll.

When will the replacement of Jordà take place in the Government? Sources of the Catalan Executive limit themselves to commenting that “the ‘councillor’ is a key piece of this Government and of the highest confidence of the ‘president'”. ERC President, oriol junquerashe has not given clues about it either in his speech this Saturday at the National Council, which he held in Barcelona, reports Gabriel Ubieto.

Junqueras has used his speech to publicly anoint the tandem formed by Gabriel Ruffian and Teresa Jordà as heads of list for Barcelona for the general elections. In the absence of ratification by the extraordinary national council of the party, in a conclave called next Friday. “We entrust you with the defense of Catalonia, from the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona to the Pyrenees, from Ponent to the Empordà. […] We risked so much that we risked practically everything”, Junqueras declared.

Of these, he has highlighted the contrasts between both profiles. “We want [una lista] open, transversal and at the service of the country from all areas”, he stressed. The party leader has valued Rufián as the one who “has most and best defended Catalonia against the PP governments”. A mention in which he has omitted the governments of PSOE.

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And from Jordà her extensive career in different political institutions, as mayoress of Ripoll, deputy in Congress and (still) member of the Government. During her speech, she did not mention possible substitutes or what consequences the move of the Climate Action ‘councillor’ to Congress will have on the composition of the Government.

Junqueras has claimed that the vote for ERC for the next generals is a vote for the “defense of democracy and the defense of Catalonia”, against a State that “denies us social rights and economic progress and the right to vote on our future”, has declared. “We are those who never give up and never give up,” she added.
