The eight women of Bluebeard

★★★★1/2 Inflation-dólargabine you corruption? And yes, everything like that, until here we are, see. But you know what? In a world just as shattered, Ernst Lubitsch made sophisticated comedies about love and other things. Here’s a bratty millionaire (Gary Cooper, in one of the few comedies he’s ever done) after seven marriages is pursued by a lovesick, highly intelligent (all rise!) Claudette Colbert. The farce, written by two geniuses (Charles Brackett and Lubitsch’s heir, Billy Wilder) is served with an overwhelming modernity. What is thirties and black and white? Nothing to do with it: it has all the colors of intelligence and it is more modern than any entertainment that we are chanted in the face today. And besides, yes, it tells us about society, the economy, feelings… but what it gives us the most is happiness, that of human love transformed into a spectacle of great sophistication.

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