The educational legacy of Pope Francis

Some time ago I participated in a course on social transformation through games and art, held in Granada, Spain. Far from what could be expected, the notes and audiovisual presentations became obsolete. Languages ​​appeared that took us to the origin: the game allowed us to connect with our most primitive part, hidden under the layers of the socially imposed. Art facilitated access to a more complex emotionality, added to the richness of relating in a group when creating a collective work. Thought helped to unravel the threads of reality and
allow us to reflect, philosophize.

After that, we went to meet other realities. From the beginning, titles and social labels lost importance. Priority was given to what was happening to us, emotions. Listening to each other in the first place allowed us to listen to the other, what is outside of me. Returning to the body makes it easier to give meaning to what we do. For example, when faced with a situation that moves us, the need to do something arises. When we listen, we can act accordingly and make the change more powerful. In my case, making sense has consisted of continuing to participate in this type of experience to multiply the change and investigate the Scholas methodology.

What arose with the young people in Argentina in 2001 and that would later inspire Pope Francis to found Scholas is praise for creating one’s own life. To be, to feel, to do. To love. It places the focus on young people to give them back the role they have in society: a present part of the constant change that it is. Learn to recognize the value of what each one is and has, promoting citizen participation and community development.

All this through the encounter with oneself and with the other. Another who has a human heart like mine, who has a story that is his alone and that makes him worthy. In a world where education is disconnected from the community, Scholas is an outstretched hand that becomes a bridge.

*By Alicia Rodríguez Cintas, psychologist and Master in Culture of Peace, Conflicts, Human Rights Education in Spain.

by Alicia Rodríguez Cintas

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