The Ebro Hydrographic Confederation proposes declaring the “exceptional situation” in the Segre due to the drought

The president of the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation (CHE), María Dolores Pascual, has proposed this Wednesday, to the Governing Board of this body, declare the “exceptional situation” in it Segre by drought.

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At a press conference, Pascual announced that CHE will create a Permanent Commission on Drought given the lack of rain in this month of April, which does not correspond to the traditional rainfall of the climate, more typical of the summer dry season than of spring, adding that it is unlikely that it will rain enough in the month of May.

The president of the basin organization has advanced that the drought could force the declaration of an emergency situation in other areas of the Ebro basin As the year progresses, as the boil. Other areas with difficulties are the Axis of the Ebro, the Lower Ebro and the Iregua.
