The dynamism of Sagittarius – iO Woman

“Llife is not a race but a target practice, it is not saving time that counts but the ability to find a center» he says Susanna Tamaro. Sagittarius on December 12th, focuses his sign. Bow and arrow. A sign that needs to aim at the goalpursuing a goal physically and mentally.

The constellation Sagittarius from “Prodromus astronomiae” (1687) by Johannes Hevelius (photo Alamy/Ipa).

There is a zest for enterprise, the urgency of surprise, as is also felt in the words of Italo Svevo, Sagittarius of December 19th: «Every time I see a mountain I expect it to turn into a volcano». And it is the same for incandescent love, lapilli of feeling that light up the darkness of Scorpio, the sign that preceded it.

Sagittarian love is alive, sincere, perhaps too much. His energy clears the air of the repetitiveness of Virgo or the stubbornness of Capricorn, a sign that he will come later and that he will feel the need to stop this Forrest Gump-like ardor, perhaps with the sole purpose of moving his legs to keep pace with the future. .

It is necessary to get out of the melee with the long stop ring of Mars in Geminiwhich since August 20 is causing the second and third decades with tensions on the relationship.

Luckily Saturn is an accomplice presence, and Jupiter from December 20th will return in favor of Aries. Hurray. “What do you do when you can’t take it anymore? We change!» suggests Alberto Moravia, Sagittarius. And Sagittarius, rest assured, will change radically in 2023.

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