The Dutch pay themselves blue for petrol, but what about the rest of Europe? † Car

On Tuesday, motorists still lost 2.50 euros per liter for Euro95 and 2.189 euros for a liter of diesel. On Wednesday, the consumer collective United Consumers came in at EUR 2,504 for a liter of petrol and EUR 2,221 for diesel. A new record and experts believe that prices will rise even further.

Fuel prices peaked earlier on March 10. At that time, a liter of petrol cost 2.502 euros and a liter of diesel 2.375 euros. On the first day of April, the petrol price then fell by more than 20 cents again, because on that day the excise duty (a form of tax) on petrol and diesel went down for the rest of this year. The government wanted to accommodate consumers with the reduction in excise duties, but that effect has now been virtually wiped out.
