The Dropout: Launch, content and trailer for the Disney+ series

The Netflix hits “Inventing Anna” and “The Tinder Swindler” focused on impostors. A new series builds on this – only on an even larger scale.

In April 2022, Netflix competitor Disney+ will start the series “The Dropout”. It tells the story of one of the greatest impostors in US history, Elisabeth Holmes. Just like “Inventing Anna” in the form of a series with actors and thus not as a classic true crime format like “The Tinder Swindler”. The true story of Elisabeth Holmes revolves around a multi-billion dollar start-up and a supposed medical sensation.

The Story of Elizabeth Holmes

The story of Elisabeth Holmes could just as well have come out of Hollywood. That’s why it’s also perfect material for a film adaptation or for a series. As CEO of the medical company Theranos, which she founded in 2003 when she was just 19, she promised to develop and manufacture rapid blood tests that would detect 240 diseases. To do this, she dropped out of her studies at Stanford University. That was and is not unusual in Silicon Valley. Many success stories started like this. Things got off to a good start for Elisabeth Holmes too.

“Theranos” managed to increase its company value to ten billion dollars in the next ten years, and Elisabeth Holmes’ personal fortune was estimated at 4.5 billion dollars. The problem: The tests demonstrably never worked, as experts discovered in 2015. Holmes is said to have known this and still continued to collect funds from investors. A case for the prosecutor!

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The Dropout on Disney+

The series starts on April 20, 2022 in the Star section of Disney+, i.e. the adult section. It stars US actress Amanda Seyfried, who was nominated for both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the 2020 film Mank. There are eight episodes in total. If you want to get a taste of The Dropout, check out the trailer below:

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