The door goes to a busy rose ceremony tonight

The evening session saw a rose ceremony that surprised the bachelors as well.

The rose ceremony of the evening made the bachelors completely surprised. MTV3

There was a lot of emotion in Bachelor 2022 today, and no tears were avoided – Timo’s behavior has caused a stir among women, and by the end of the evening there was another rose ceremony that was Tuomas first.

Before the rose ceremony, women and bachelors spend time at the happy pool party. However, the relaxed atmosphere is distorted by a slightly tightening atmosphere. Miia speaks of Timo’s recent behavior.

– I have a direct question, sorry about that. Do you feel like you are a gentleman with good manners, a woman to start with.

– Frankly, I have a shitty taste for my behavior, Miia continues, pointing to Timo’s bad behavior.

However, the matter can be settled quickly and in a good spirit.

– That sounds pretty crazy. Sorry, I’m sorry, Timo says right away.

– It is annoying that I have behaved in this way, Timo sums his feelings for the camera later.

Emotions are on the surface even before the rose ceremony. MTV3

However, the matter has left its back on the man’s mind, because before starting the rose ceremony, Timo wants to say a few words.

– It’s been a bit of a confusing day. I have not wanted to offend anyone and I hope that everything can be resumed from a clean slate, and nothing greater evil has been born to anyone here. I’m sorry if I’ve offended someone.

There were also surprising twists and turns in the rose ceremony, as not all women accept the rose offered.

– It feels like it’s time to go home today, but thank you, Julia refuses with a hug the rose offered by Timo.

It works the same way Emiliawhen Thomas hands him the rose.

– Unfortunately, I’m not taking a rose. My own feelings say today is the time to go home.

– If I had reached individual dates, for example at the beginning, there could very well be a different solution. When she didn’t really get to know either man, she couldn’t really wake up to those feelings then, Emilia sums up her feelings at the time of going home.

Left without a rose at the ceremony Johanna and Hannawho also went home.

Bachelor 2022 on Tuesdays on MTV3 at 9 p.m. Bachelor: After the rose right after the episode. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
