The doctors: Farin Urlaub calls for dialogue with AfD voters

At a gig, the punker made a political announcement about the growing number of AfD voters.

Punk and politics are inseparable – and this is also the case for Die Ärzte, who have often made their position clear through songs and statements. They always actively oppose right-wing ideology and criticize authoritarian ideas. That’s why Farin Urlaub made an announcement about the AfD at a concert in Hamburg on Thursday (October 5th). Yesterday, Sunday, the right-wing party would get 14.6 percent of the vote in the state elections in Bavaria and 18.4 percent in Hesse.

Between songs, Farin took the time to address the current development of German politics. He begins with the statistics that “20 percent of adult, responsible citizens in our country give their vote to the AfD”. “You could say a lot against it, but people are obviously very dissatisfied, feel extremely misunderstood and think that this will make things better,” the singer continues.

He also reiterates that nothing will get better with the AfD: “I can tell you one thing: a lot of things are going wrong in Germany, but you don’t want to experience shit like that.”

Farin Urlaub calls for dialogue. “The first reflex is always to never talk to people again, to delete them from the phone book… but maybe you should listen to people,” suggests the musician. He is still the first to say “Nazis out and everything is shit” – but that does nothing to counter the increasing number of AfD voters.

“The people who want to vote for AfD would be the ones who would suffer the most from AfD politics,” adds the singer. “Maybe we should explain that a little more.”
