The Do you want to be a millionaire contestant is aiming for a special World Cup

Host Antti Holma takes an interest in Susan’s special hobby.

Susan also aims far in her hobby. Saku Tiainen

Do you want to be a millionaire? -rival Susan Heikkinen is also strong in other than trivia questions. He talks about his competitive spirit as a presenter Antti Holma.

– I’m quite a competitive person and I think I’m good at making puzzles. I asked my friends on Instagram if anyone would like to challenge me to assemble the puzzle as fast as possible, says Susan.

The speed competition gets the host excited. Susan says that her group of friends has already organized four speed piling competitions.

– Is this a sport I invented or is it practiced anyway? Antti Holma inquires.

– Is not! At first I thought that it must have been my invention, but then I found out that, among other things, world championships are organized for this reason. Now there is a hard training, says Susan.

And is Susan aiming for the World Cup with the potential winnings?

– Yes, if – or well, I’ll probably go even if there’s no money! The competition is in Spain, it’s probably a nice place anyway, Susan answers.

– First you win this and then that, Holma encourages.

Susan is also aiming for the World Championships. Saku Tiainen

Do you want to be a millionaire? on Thursdays at Nelose and Ruudu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
