the difficult balance between defending ideals and putting them into practice

There are many ways to talk about a relevant person, especially if they show signs of having a career and one own personality that are interesting enough.

For this reason, when we talk about the Canary Islands Sarah Salamothe logical thing would be to know more about his facet as actress or about the struggles at a social and ideological level in which she is embarking – a faithful defender of the animal rightsof the gender equality and solidarity between social classes-, leaving it for the jokes to use in a tortuous and degenerate way that it is related on a sentimental level with a certain character to reduce her to the role of ‘the interested wife of’ -in this case, of the soccer player Isco-.

But in a society as polarized as the current one, the first is not taken into account when you are related to the third section, and the second seems to be that it also ceases to have an effect due to the economic repercussions of the latter.

in the old dilemma that being on the left contradicts having a comfortable and frugal lifewhich is an interesting debate as long as it does not fall into cheap demagoguery.

And beyond all this, there is a reality: that if you are woman with her own opinion, any false step will be paid with triple punishment than if you are a well off white male.

The latest controversy of the Canarian actress on social networks originates from a your Instagram post in which he supports a sign that reads “This is the coldest summer of the rest of your life“, to alarm the consequences of climate change.

This publication has been strongly responded by several of his followers and, above all, by many who are not. In some cases starting a poignant debate but respectful; in other cases, with more resentment and machismo than arguments,

The main criticisms have to do with his lifestyle clearly clashes with the cause he supports: Private jet trips, jet ski rides or rests on the deck of a yacht pollute much more than a homeless person would do.

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The actress has not hidden and has decided to respond to this type of comment with a publication on the social network Twitter in which he highlights that “being on the left is not at odds with wanting to enjoy your vacation, Dear. It’s as easy as not minding paying a lot of taxes so that everyone has access to quality healthcare, education, housing and culture.”

Even so, some tweeters have reproached him for linking the payment of taxes with the possibility of refraining from complying with some principles that he is proclaiming.
