the diet to follow and the newest treatments – iO Donna

La polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormonal dysfunction in childbearing age. A condition that affects 5 to 10% of women. If neglected, it can have repercussions both on the reproductive and metabolic aspects. The Doctor Marcello CeccaroniDirector of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at theIRCCS Sacred Heart Don Calabria of Negrar, Verona.

Polycystic ovary: yesterday and today

«In the past it was considered a very rare pathology, characteristic of overweight, hairless, beard and acne women. In reality only a very small and serious part of the phenomenon was detected. There was, in fact, no possibility of diagnosis with ultrasound and blood tests as it happens today. A substantial difference is that we currently speak of a syndrome. Are present even mild hormonal dysfunctions, sometimes impalpable. Often the patient discovers polycystic ovary syndrome only after the first gynecological examination or after an ultrasound check, ”explains Doctor Ceccaroni.

Polycystic ovary syndrome: symptoms

«What characterizes polycystic ovary syndrome is a increased levels of male hormones, androgens. When these start to be produced more than the norm, the first signs appear. A first alarm bell is related to menstrual disorders: periods that skip or become irregular, short or long periods. In some cases menstruation even disappears. Other symptoms are the fragility of the scalp and therefore of the hair, which leads to falling and therefore also alopecia or baldness. Thehirsutism, an excess of hair on the face and bodyand in many cases it appears acneoften associated with a more oily skin. An ultrasound check results in a micropolicistic ovary with folliclesthat is many small functional cysts to the ovary », continues the expert.

The diagnosis

“When some of the signs or symptoms shown are present, a diagnosis must be made for intervene in a therapeutic way and avoid the consequences over time. The first step is undoubtedly apelvic ultrasound who can see the structure of the ovaries which most of the time will result multifollicular or micropolicistic. We then proceed with i complete basal hormone dosages and androgensThese include testosterone, progesterone, prolactin, LH or luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, FSH, and thyroid hormones. It is preferable to perform them in the first 5-6 days of the cycle»Advises Doctor Ceccaroni.

Weight gain and other consequences

“As a consequence of these more or less mild endocrine alterations, one could progressively develop metabolic syndrome with insulin resistancean assumption that favors a condition of overweight or obesity. It must therefore be emphasized that they are not only gynecological disorders, but they can occur repercussions on the entire balance of the body, including thyroid function. We come across a more complex field which, over time, also leads to one reduced ovulatory capacitywith a reduction or loss of fertilityso much so that many patients often have difficulty finding one pregnancy», Underlines the expert.

