The desired death of the vigilante who shot four people

Eugen Marin Sabauthe Securitas security guard who shot four people in Tarragona on December 14 last year and who was shot down by the Mossos d’Esquadrawill receive this Tuesday in the penitentiary units of the Terrassa Hospital a lethal injection by own will. If nothing prevents it, accompanied by some relatives and friends, he will first be sedated and, later, two toilets will administer a cocktail of drugs that will stop his heart. Pending his heartbeat they will be outside the media of both Spain and as of his Romania native. There are no precedents like his: a prisoner who decides to die before being judged.

At the beginning of the text of the euthanasia law, approved in March 2021, it is read that euthanasia “can be defined as the deliberate act of ending the life of a person, produced by the express will of the person himself and with the object of avoiding suffering. The current clinical situation of Eugen, who eight months ago tried to kill his co-workers and could only be stopped by the police with bullets that left him on the verge of death, coincides with the law, according to medical criteria, which is the one that should prevail when it is about deciding about the dignified death of a citizen. suffer irreversible tetraplegia –he can move an arm and his neck–, his right leg has been amputated, he needs a bladder catheter, he suffers from immobilization ulcers and constant pain for which he cannot be sedated. He requires permanent medical care and, since he was injured, he has been under police surveillance because the judge instructing his case for four attempted homicides ordered Eugen in preventive detention until a trial that will no longer be held.

From a medical point of view, there is little debate. From the point of view of justice, however, his victims believe that it is not that simple. With his death, the possibility that the four people Eugen Marin Sabau shot – three of them at close range and with the intention of killing them – can be repaired also vanishes. Lawyer Jose Antonio Vitos, who defends the Mossos agent who was shot in the arm by Eugen, has filed several appeals against the medical ruling. He has gone to the highest courts in Spain and Europe, but all have ruled out suspending euthanasia.

obsessed with work

Eugen Marin Sabau was born in Romania and had been living in Spain for about 20 years, in Alcover (Alt Camp). He is 45 years old, he was a security guard for Securitas and was obsessed with his work. That’s how they defined it Joseph Mariathe owner of the apartment on Avinguda Maria de Alcover where he lived, and Gumersindothe person in charge of the Sant Salvador shooting galleryin Tarragona, his second home.

“You could try to talk to him about something else but he would redirect the conversation to talk about work again,” recalled Josep María, who had shared long talks with Eugen about his problems at Securitas. According to what he said, the private security guard was convinced that he despised for his migrant status Romanian. He said that they did not treat him wellGumersindo added. “He had the impression that they did not pay him the mileage, that they gave him the toughest services, that others charged more. And his obsession was that it was all due to the fact that he was Romanian, because, according to him, in his company were racists

five injured

Poisoned by this perception that no one managed to change, on December 14, 2021, Eugen armed himself to the teeth, disguised himself as an old woman and went to the Tarragona Securitas office where his bosses worked. As soon as he got them to open the door thanks to his disguise, he opened fire on them. The three former colleagues were seriously injured. Two of them were in critical condition. Before going to the office, he had sent them an email with this message: “Happy holidays bastards. Thieves and racists“.

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After the shooting, Eugen went on the run. Realizing that a patrol of the Mossos d’Esquadra, stopped the car, got out and fired at the officers. One of them had his arm pierced. The flight ended in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Riudoms (Low Camp). There he barricaded himself and rejected any mediation. He was finally shot down by agents of the Special Intervention Group (GEI)the elite unit of the Catalan police, who were also the first to get help until an ambulance from the Medical Emergency System (SEM) He was able to transfer him to a hospital, where they managed to save his life, the same life he now wants to get rid of.

“Work was everything to him and this company made his life impossible,” he says. Gerard Amigo, Eugen’s lawyer, who adds that nothing justifies what his client did. Last Friday he spoke with him for two hours but the lawyer did not want to reveal if he then showed repentance or apologized to his victims, something that is not known to have been done yet.
