The departure of a favorite character from Yle’s successful series sparked a disappointed conversation: “A nasty setback”

Eero Milonoff’s character is not included in the fourth season of Modern Men.

Eero Milonoff at the invited guest event of the Seurapeli movie. Jussi Eskola

As we reported yesterday, Yle’s hit series Modern men will return to the screen on January 16 with new episodes.

There is a significant change in the new season, as Eero Milonoff’s favorite character Jarkko has left the series at least for the next season. The Jarkko character’s popularity has been reflected, among other things, in numerous Tiktok trends, which have been inspired by his tweets.

There is a new actor in Jarko’s place in the foursome Mikko Töyssyn the main character played by Mika Mäkinen. The same old actors will be seen in the other main roles.

Viewers were disappointed

Milonoff’s absence from the new season caused negative feelings among the viewers of the series. On Iltalehti’s Facebook page and the Jodel application, a disappointed discussion arose on the subject.

– I really should have continued. The popularity of Tämmöinen’s series is based on the actors more than the format. Let’s see if anyone can fix Eero.

– It’s not the same if one of the best changes…

– Well, you can’t watch it if Jarkko is missing.

– Well, fuck it. The best character was. Butterflies no longer fly in the morning.

– It was undoubtedly a nasty setback.

On the other hand, Töyssy’s character was viewed with hope and they were happy about the new season.

– Milonoff was an essential part of the foursome, I hope Mikka Töyssy will do well.

– It’s a pity that he left the series. The main thing is that we got a new season.

The fourth season of the series “Modernit miehet” starting on January 16, 2024 on Yle TV1 on Tuesdays at 8 pm and on the same day all episodes on Yle Areena. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.
