The Denmark Pact is also suspected of being a terrorist Buitenland

The arrest was carried out in the wake of a major anti-terrorist operation in Denemarken. Last week, all three dining halls were suspected of being planned for terrestrial facilities in various places in the country. Twee van hen, a 57-year-old man and a young woman, who is still in old age. These gangs are in the criminal milieu in the Buitenland. Volgens Israel also has gangs with Hamas, but that will never be confirmed by the German authorities.

Also in Berlijn and in Rotterdam, suspected terreurs are oppacked, maar zij zouden geen link hebben met deense suspected.

The young woman, 20 years old, is packaged this day. He is never duidelijk waarvan ze precies bebett. Volgens het Deense persbureau Ritzau zit ze al zeker tot 9 januari in de cel.
