The demand to study Medicine or Nursing in Spain is greater than the offer

The demand for study Medicine and Nursing has increased at a rate higher than the offer of Spanish universities, as the Knowledge and Development Foundation (CYD) has warned. It just so happens that the principal problem who suffers the sanitary system not only Catalan or Spanish, but European, is the lack of doctors due to the demographic crisis.

From the data of your study on the university system presented last January, the entity, whose headquarters are in Barcelona, has indicated that requests to study Medicine have increased by 73.1% between the 2019-20 and 2022-23 academic years in Spain, while the offer has done so by 3%, Therefore, for each place offered, 13.1 students are applying.

In Nursing the offer of places has increased by 10% in the same period and the demand by 65.2%, hence for each vacancy there are 4.6 applications, added CYD.

The entity has referred to these data on the occasion of the celebration, on April 7, of the World Health Day, established by the World Health Organization (WHO) for sensitize about the importance of a healthcare system accessible to everyone.

Referring to data from Ministry of Universities, CYD has indicated that in the 2022-23 academic year, 7,518 places were offered in Spain to study Medicine (5,904 in public universities and 1,614 in private centers) and another 14,156 for Nursing (10,162 public and 3,994 private).

Rebound after the pandemic

The member of the technical office of the CYD Foundation Montse Alvarez has pointed out that, After the pandemic, there has been a rebound in the demand for Medicine and Nursing studies in Spain.

“In Medicine there has been a ratio of student demand for each place from 7.8 in the 2019-20 academic year to 13.1 applications per place in the 2022-23 academic year, Meanwhile in Nursing requests have increased from 3 to 4.6 for each square”, Alvarez added.

All the autonomous communities have at least one Faculty of Medicine, except The Rioja, while the Madrid’s community is the one that offers the most places, with 1,564, followed by Catalonia and Andalusia, with 1,194 and 1,099, respectively, CYD has recalled.

The spanish universities who teach the course of Medicine were of the first of the Spanish university system in enter a limited number in places available for preserve acquisition better practical knowledge and avoid overcrowding during training in the hospital.

Regarding the prices of credits, the foundation has indicated that, after Computing (20.42 euros per credit), stands Medicine, with 20.33 euros per enrolled credit.

CYD has recalled that the degree of job placement for graduates in Medicine is 95.1%, the highest after Computer Science, while Nursing graduates register an insertion rate of 93.1%.

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Regarding salaries, Medicine is the career that offers higher salaries 5 years after graduation since 80% earn salaries of more than 2,000 euros per month, 12% between 1,500 and 2,000 euros and 6%, €1,500 or less.

In Nursing, 26% receive a salary of more than 2,000 euros, 46% between 1,500 and 2,000 euros and 28%, 1,500 euros or less, added the CYD Foundation.
