The definitive trick to leave the mop as new

03/24/2023 at 23:59


Keeping cleaning tools clean is a must

Removing dirt from the mop is essential for cleaning

The home clean It is one of the daily tasks more annoying. Although technology has advanced with the availability of many electronic devices to help us, this has its drawbacks. The rise in the price of light means that we use these devices less and less, returning to the more conventional tools.

Curiously, the problem we often find ourselves with is cleaning the instruments we use to clean, such as the mop. A dirty mop won’t leave a good clean floor. In addition to the dirt itself that it could leave on the surface, the mop drags odors that will leave a bad smell in our room. Thus, it is vital to keep it clean with this ultimate hack.

The first thing you should do is take a bucket and fill it with hot water. Then see you in the bowl with caution and great care a bit of stain remover with active oxygen and vinegar. Finally, you will only have to insert the mop and move it a little so that it absorbs the two products well. Let it rest for a few minutes and you will see how dirt starts to come off the mop stayed like new.
