The definitive trick to adjust the pants to the waist

04/21/2023 at 21:06


With this trick, you won’t need to resort to sewing

Getting pants that fit you perfectly is very difficult

Finding pants that fit you perfectly is a difficult task. Sometimes you take a model of jeans that you like the way it looks on you at the moment, but later, due to washing the fabric is giving and it is big or tight and it is no longer what it was.

In addition, surely more than once you have noticed a model of pants that you like, and when you try them on you realize that you are not convinced how they look. Many times it is too big for you at the waist, but if you take a size less it will squeeze you. For these problems, we are going to teach you a very easy trick.

For when you find those pants that you love so much, but that do not fit you well, you will only need a button. There is a kind of these that you can buy and you can use them for adjust the jeans at the waist. There is a wide variety of models.

Buttons to adjust the waist of the pants

| Amazon

Once you get hold of him, you choose the point where you want to put ityou remove the button safety and place it in the desired area, making sure it clicks.
