The “Defenselessness of the Citizen”: A crucial debate on Rights and their protection. By Nicole Peters – Brand

From the simplest procedures to fundamental rights, citizens face various complications in their daily lives. These difficulties not only create a feeling of helplessness, but also question the tools and institutions available. The ramifications of this situation are wide and deep.

The Circle of National Legislators and the Institute of Strategic Studies and International Relations held a working breakfast on Wednesday 11/29 with the former Ombudsman of the Nation and Deputy (MC), Eduardo Mondino in order to address the “Defenselessness of the Citizen” in their role as Consumers and users. They discussed the challenges of existing controls for the defense of citizens, inequalities in the defense of rights, and misinformation among citizens.

I had the honor of coordinating this meeting and active national deputies, Deputies and Senators (Mc) and Diplomats participated. This event marked the beginning of initiatives aimed at addressing the issue of defense, support and protection of citizens’ rights, especially in their daily lives.

After the welcome by Deputies MC Daniel Basile and Humberto Roggero, Mondino explained the functions of the Ombudsman and how his absence impacts the rights of citizens, highlighting his judicial legitimacy. He also recognized a latent problem: the complex conditions for carrying out constitutional mechanisms such as the Popular Consultation.

The impact of this defenselessness transcends the national, expanding to the international, affecting democratic stability and constitutional compliance with the stated Rights, mechanisms and International Treaties. It reflects an institutional crisis that is observed in the daily lives of citizens, being more complex in the case of those crossed by intersectionalities multiplying the disadvantages, that is, of those who are in a situation of hypervulnerability.

Among the many aspects of the topic, it must be recognized that there is a general distrust of the solution methods, ignorance and lack of motivation for cumbersome procedures. We must assimilate that making the procedure or its access more complex is also illegal.

The deputies Marcela Campagnoli and Camila Crescimbeni participated, the deputies (MC), Marita Goñi, Liliana Schwindt, Fernanda Bendinelli, the deputy (MC), Ángel Abasto and Mario Ferreyra, the senators (MC), Liliana Gurdulich, Mabel Muller, Samuel Cabanchik and William Tell. The General Director of CLNA Dr. Marcelo Muscillo, the economist and former Secretary of Commerce Pablo Challú, the former Director of Consumer Defense in Trenque Lauquen Senator MC Hernán Albisu and Ambassadors Facundo Vila, Julio Lascano and Young Kong.

Contact information:

Instagram: @petersnicoleok

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Nicole Peters


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