The death of the restaurateur, the daughter against Selvaggia Lucarelli

Pwas praised for the response she gave to a customer accused of homophobia and ableism. Then, she was accused of having invented everything, to attract new customers to her pizzeria. And finally, the tragic epiloguewith his death. The restaurateur Giovanna Pedretti was found dead in Lambro, after the controversies that hit it. And she investigates her end. The Prosecutor’s Office ordered an autopsy on the body and opened a case for incitement to suicide, against unknown persons. If suicide is confirmed, the contingent reasons will be able to be ascertained: those which, in the space of a few hours, led to the extreme gesture. It will be more difficult to establish the profound reasons behind such a tragic death.

Selvaggia Lucarelli scolds the passenger without a mask: the argument breaks out on the plane

The case: from sharing on Facebook to applause from users on social media

It all started on January 11th, when the restaurateur Giovanna Pedretti published on the Facebook page of her pizzeria in Sant’Angelo Lodigiano a response she gave to a customer who, in a review, had complained about the “gay” neighbors and a “boy in a wheelchair”.

In the response published by Pedretti we read: «I wanted to point out that our place is open to everyone and the requirements we ask of our guests are education and respect towards everyone. His words of contempt towards guests who do not seem to have bothered you seem to me to be gratuitous and rather unpleasant malice.”

The restaurateur Giovanna Pedretti in an interview with Tg3, Milan, 15 January 2024. Credit: ANSA/TG3

The Minister’s thanks: “Thank you very much because you did not remain silent”

Immediately, the screenshot of this conversation became viral on social media and many media reported this response, praising the restaurateur’s position.

Also the Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli she had addressed the woman and her husband, managers of the pizzeria The vignoles. «Thank you very much because you did not remain silent in the face of a despicable and vile attitude».

The accusation of Lorenzo Biagiarelli and Selvaggia Lucarelli: «Marketing operation passed off as heroic defense of gays and disabled people»

But all of a sudden the story changes. Chef Lorenzo Biagiarelli (face of Antonella Clerici’s TV programme, It’s always midday) has entrusted his Instagram profile with some doubts regarding the veracity of this screenshot. “The font of the review, like that of the response, seems fake, it is different from the one used by Google,” she wrote.

And immediately afterwards he added. «Look at the shape of the “a” for owner and that of “we appreciate”. The line spacing and spacing are also different, Google’s writing is grainy while the body of the text is in perfect focus.” The meaning of this intervention is evident: to point out that the Lodi restaurateur falsified the post in order to gain visibility.

The woman had also been interviewed by the police, as a person informed of the facts, regarding the homophobic review.

Biagiarelli’s partner, Selvaggia Lucarelli, also immediately echoed this observation. The juror of dancing with the Stars he spoke of a “marketing operation passed off as heroic defense of gays and disabled people”. TG3 decided to delve deeper into the matter by interviewing the restaurateur herself, who seemed embarrassed and in difficulty.

The sad epilogue: the death of the restaurateur and the accusations of her daughter

But yesterday, Sunday 14 January, the sad epilogue of this story arrived. Giovanna Pedretti she was found dead on the banks of the Lambro, where she went alone in her Fiat Panda. Many have attacked the media fury against the woman. And the restaurateur’s own daughter lashed out against Lucarelli on her Instagram profile. «Go ahead and look for his next victim. Being aggressive is dangerous. Thank you dear “lady” for having massacred my mother through the media».

At the moment, the Lodi Prosecutor’s Office has ordered an autopsy to clarify the dynamics of death. Even if the hypothesis currently most accredited by investigators is that of suicide. Apparently, the woman and her family had no financial problems.

Lorenzo Biagiarelli and his defense on Instagram

Biagiarelli – who did not participate in the live broadcast of the program today It’s always midday – expressed his position on his Instagram stories. «I am very sorry about Mrs. Giovanna’s death and my thoughts go to her family. I’m sorry that you think that seeking the truth can have these consequences. I would like to forcefully reject the accusations of “social hatred” and “shitstorm” since Ms. Giovanna, in these two days, has received nothing but praise and certificates of esteem from the press.”

And, addressing his followers: «I only invite youif you really think that Mrs. Giovanna took her own life due to non-existent “social hatred”, to reflect on the concept of truth. If every person who attempts to re-establish the truth in a story, big or small, were to fear this denouement then we should close everything, newspapers and social media».

