The De Lofstem choir has an average age of over 90: ‘Things are going very well’

They sing the stars of the Drenthe sky, the members of Zangkoor De Lofstem of the Olden Kinholt residential care center in Hoogeveen. The choir has an average age of more than ninety years, but its voice is far from lost.

Henriette van der Zwaag, a caregiver in Olden Kinholt, founded the choir a year ago. The residents always watched after dinner Netherlands Sings, and then sang along at the top of their lungs. From this spontaneous singing, the idea arose. “We have already performed several times with the choir, including a few times outside, and when you see how those people are beaming, all in beautiful suits and with a corsage on: that makes me happy.”

The musical accompaniment is provided by atmosphere maker Aaldert Otten. The choir started with 8 members, but now there are no fewer than 22. “It also connects, the music. It is a social event,” says Henriette.

And sometimes it improves people’s health. “For example, we have a lady who often suffers from lung problems. Singing is very good.” In addition, singing brings back old memories. “We recently sang a song, of which a resident said: my husband always thought it was so beautiful.”

Hilda Eleveld is one of the residents who thoroughly enjoys singing. “It’s just a lot of fun to sing together. And it’s fun.” JB Sixma is also enjoying it to the fullest. “I used to be in choirs, and they always told me to continue singing. Well, I enjoy doing that. It’s going very well.”

The choir is currently rehearsing for their next performance. That is a Christmas concert on Saturday, December 23, in the Olden Kinholt residential care center.
