The day Kirchner recognized Noticias: “I have the money outside”

Today, when the block of Senators of the Front of All promotes a bill to “create a National Fund for the Cancellation of Debt with the IMF so that those who have assets abroad undeclared make an emergency contribution”, referents of the opposition and some media recalled a interview conducted by NOTICIAS with Néstor Kirchner in 2002when he was governor of Santa Cruz, and acknowledged having transferred the province’s funds to foreign banks.

I have the money outside”, was the title that emerged from the interview published on June 29, 2002 in the magazine NOTICIAS, 6 months after the “playpen. Kirchner acknowledged having anticipated the restriction imposed by the former Economy Minister, Sunday Horsein December 2001.

And have transferred “500 million dollars in New York”, a figure that the province had received in April 1993, after an out-of-court settlement for badly settled oil royalties from YPF during the first government of Carlos Menem. The money was first deposited in a New York bank, and then wired to the Credit Suisse.

In 2014, Cristina Kirchnerthen president of the Nation, acknowledged in a speech at Tecnópolis, having endorsed her husband’s decision: “he took it outside, and how well he didBut the fate of those funds was tinged with mystery and suspicion. Edward Arnoldwho was deputy governor of Néstor Kirchner, maintained that “Kirchner stole that money“, and that the former president had the “corrupt ability to enrich himself at the expense of all Santa Cruz residents, and after all, the entire country.”

In 2007, Nestor Kirchner affirmed that the Santa Cruz funds were repatriated. However, he never explained where they ended up. Later, a report from the Court of Accounts denied this. According to Clarín published in June of last year, of the total funds repatriated today there would only be US$ 9,607 leftas emerges from a report presented by the current governor Alicia Kirchner to the province’s Court of Accounts.

In the 2002 NEWS interview, Néstor Kirchner said:

NEWS: Did you take part of the provincial treasure out of the country?
Kirchner: Yes, I have the money abroad, in New York. They accused me of being anti-Argentine for that.
NEWS: And why did he take her outside?
Kirchner: I had no confidence in our ruling class. Look what happened to San Luis. He had US$250 million and he has to please ask for it to be returned to him because they left it inside the “corralito”. It is an act of abuse. Being governor he knew that savings in Argentina were not safe. Cavallo wanted me to take the contributions to a Trust Fund. De la Rua too. I told them no. Cavallo asked me why, and I replied: “You don’t give me security.” Now I have US$527 million and a little more outside. In other words, I generated an anti-crisis fund of $2 billion, which is from Santa Cruz.

by RN

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