the day after… I found out my daughter hasn’t gone to school for weeks

At the beginning of this school year, Isa went to another school. I was pissed off at her previous school because they never called me when Isa had been skipping school for weeks. My oldest daughter’s school always calls right away when she doesn’t show up for school, so I had no idea. Moreover, truancy had no consequences for Isa, even though that is their policy. In the end they tried to help my daughter, but by then it was too late.

Due to the lockdown she fell in a hole

With gifted children such as Isa, the risk of underachieving is always lurking. As long as she has sufficient challenge and structure, there is nothing to worry about. Due to the lockdown, she fell into a hole. The transfer to a new school was a good decision, although she still skips every now and then. Her motivation and enthusiasm are gone. I miss her jokes and the sparkle in her eyes. As she was, she is no more. Living without girlfriends harms social and emotional development. It undermined her self-confidence. You want to see your child develop, see opportunities and seize them, that is not an option now. Fortunately, now that I give her space, she comes downstairs more often. We recently found a common hobby: watching figure skating. Those moments mean a lot to me.

The powerlessness is frustrating

The extra space I give her creates tension at home. My eldest daughter resents me for being tolerant of her sister, while I have always been very strict with her. Explaining that she also had that chance does not work. The powerlessness I feel as a mother remains frustrating. Fortunately, there is a bright spot: through the project home sitters we try to think of what Isa needs to enjoy going to school again. Isa did agree to complete the questionnaires. That is already quite a step.”

Read here what preceded this story.

May 25, 2022
