The daughter of Putin’s strategic adviser dies in an attack

the daughter of Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, Daria Dougina, died this Saturday when the car he was driving exploded in the Moscow region. The car caught fire: “It was completely on fire, he lost control because he was driving at high speed and flew to the opposite side of the road,” he assured. Andrey Krasnovleader of the movement Russky Gorizont and family acquaintance. Dugin is a close adviser to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putinand has actively participated in the invasion russianso the first information from the Kremlin assures that he was the target of the attack.

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“From what I understand, the target was Dugin directly, or maybe both,” he said. Krasnov to the Russian agency TASS, since the vehicle was the one usually used by the thinker. Regarding the car detonation, the local authorities assure that it is a homemade explosive.

“Putin’s brain” and sanctioned by the West

Dugin, leader of the Eurasian Movement, is credited with being the “spiritual guide” of the russian invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, he is frequently described as the “putin’s brain“. In 2015 he was sanctioned by the United States for alleged participation in the Russian annexation of Crimea. Earlier in the year, the American and British authorities sanctioned him for contributing to disinformation about the war in Ukraine. On the other hand, his daughter, Dugina , was born in 1992 and studied Philosophy at the State University of Moscowaccording to TASS.
