“The dark psychology of power: behind the masks of politicians”

In the intricate world of politics, psychology plays a fascinating role in analyzing and unmasking the minds of those in high-power positions.

Messianism: the leader as divine chosen

They firmly believe that they have been chosen by higher forces to guide their people. It is a pseudo mystical delirium that hypnotically inspires the masses generating illusions of a better future in the hands of a passionate and eccentric leader. They have disruptive ideas and revealing truths that lead them to make irrational, extremist or authoritarian decisions.

Narcissism: when the Ego dominates

They have an excessive self-esteem and overconfidence in their abilities because They believe themselves superior and special. They need to disqualify others and have a constant need to be admired and praised. which often leads them to make decisions that feed their ego, forgetting the needs of the population.

Psychopathy: the cold face of power

The fact that the vast majority of the powerful have psychopathic traits does not mean that they are psychopaths. Psychopathy is characterized by lack of empathy, compulsive lying, manipulation and antisocial behavior without guilt or remorse. They are often charming in public but can make cruel and ruthless decisions when it comes to consolidating their power.

Machiavellianism: the strategy without limits

Cunning and manipulation are often essential tools in politics. Machiavellianism implies do whatever it takes to achieve and maintain power. Machiavellians are experts in the art of persuasion and tactics without worrying about the ethical consequences. They govern with a premise: “the end justifies the means.”

Evil personalities: dangerous leaders

The malignant personality tetrad combines narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy with the sadism. These are highly dangerous charismatic leaders who seek their own benefit regardless of the harm they cause. They manipulate through fear or terror and take pleasure in causing cruelty, aggression and destruction.

Hubris syndrome: excessive arrogance

It can affect those who exercise power in any of its forms. It is characterized by pride, arrogance and arrogance for a overconfidence and feeling of being invincible They need to be admired and disregard advice, which is why they make serious mistakes, impulsive and risky actions that can lead to governance crises, scandals or their own downfall.

Power Addiction: the insatiable thirst for dominance and control

There are those who develop an addiction to power and despite possessing it, feel a constant dissatisfaction that generates a compulsive search for influence and control. The vertigo due to the possible loss of control and the need for adrenaline that colors the political game, become a true obsession. The need to have or retain power generates dependency and spreads to all areas.

Behind the speeches and screens, politicians have their own personality traits that will inevitably influence decision-making and the destiny of Nations. Knowing these characteristics allows us to critically analyze other aspects of leadership and its implications in society.

Definitely, The mind behind the throne can be as important as the throne itself.

Dr. Romina Abiad

Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist – Psychotherapy and Coaching

Instagram: @doc.romi Website: www.docromi.com and www.lexartis.com.ar


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