The ‘Dansa de la Mort’ shakes Verges again for Easter

the streets of Verges (Baix Empordà) have hosted their traditional procession this Thursday since midnight, which culminates with the ‘Dance of Death’a figure dance of skeletons and black robes, a unique celebration in the Easter of the regions of Girona. It has been represented since 1666, 357 years ago, and this is the second year that it has been held in the town after two years of stoppage due to the pandemic, in 2020 and 2021.

The ‘Dansa de la Mort’ is a dance tradition of medieval origin that the municipality celebrates for Holy Thursday and is represented by 10 people. Five are characterized as skeletons that dance to the sound of a drum and five more wear black robes and advance following the rhythm without executing the steps of the dance.

In the group of dancers There are two adults and three children dressed as skeletons who carry scythes and embody different roles: the ‘capdanser’ is in charge of opening the dance with his scythe; the standard-bearer carries a black flag, and is accompanied by two other skeletons carrying ash dishes and another skeleton carrying the clock that symbolizes the arrival of the death.

Way of the Cross

The procession is a Via Crucis that begins at the church at midnight and walk the streets of the town under the only light of the burning torches and a particular lighting in the street charges. Oil lamps, made of snail shells, create a gloomy atmosphere.

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Along the way moments of the Passion of Christ. They are the healing of the blind man, the three falls, the three Marys and the women of Jerusalem, as well as the crucifixion and, finally, the ‘Dansa de la Mort’.

The tradition of the dance of death was common in Europe western during the Middle Ages, due to the epidemics of the black plague that ravaged Europe, and indicates the inevitable path of all humans towards death. Verges recovered the performance from the 17th century, specifically from 1666, which is why it has been held for 357 years, and the Generalitat de Catalunya declared it a Heritage Festival of National Interest in 2010.
