The dance of MilanOltre Festival and other events not to be missed

L‘edition number 37 of MilanOltre Festival continues to amaze and fascinate the public with a program that looks to the future (how is the effervescent world of the new generations of dance moving?), exploring in particular what’s new from Holland, France, Canada/Québec.

Roberto Bolle and his “Ballo in Bianco” in Milan: 2300 in Piazza Duomo

And it proposes a billboard that can be experienced and interpreted through different keywordsas archives-back to the future, body to body, forms of identity, generations compared, new rites, a question of glances….

Opens The Body in Revolt, a sort of dance conference by the Apulian group Vivaio, led by Victor Callens. Don’t miss the two appointments with the Quebecer Marie Chouinard on stage with Mwhich works on the breath and voices of the dancers, and Radical Vitalityan anthology that revisits some of the choreographer’s historical creations in a new way.

Closes Stefania Ballone with Lascauxin which dance intersects with light drawings and electronic music, give life to a tribute to Georges Bataille’s text dedicated to the Lascaux caves and the birth of art.

INFO: Milan, Elfo Puccini, Pac and other venues, from 28 September to 15 October.

Come back to it

A weekend full of events for all fans of Lucio Battisti. 25 years after his death and 80 years after his birth, the city where he grew up musically remembers the singer-songwriter with the event That great genius. A rich schedule that retraces his recording adventure: the beginnings, the partnership with Mogol, the meeting with Pasquale Panella.

Lucio Battisti in 1970 (photo Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images).

First appointment at 7.40 on September 29th in Piazza Cadorna to sing the famous song with a group of buskers. Then moments of shared listening, a conference at the CPM music school and closing at Franco Parenti with the historic live performance from For a penny to Hegel.

INFO: Milan, various locations, from 29 September to 1 October.

The striped world

Concerts, readings, exhibitions for Linus-Cartoon Festival, created by Elisabetta Sgarbi. The event will be held on September 22nd at 10 am La Pimpa and Altan; in the evening Sandro Veronesi meets the cartoonist Sio in The worlds of Scottecs.

Fifty years after the coup in Chile, in the drawings of Alfredo Chiappori it is the exhibition with the drawings that the author made after the event. Guest of the festival Zero limestoneauthor of the TV series This world won’t make me bad.

INFO: Ascoli Piceno, Cinema Odeon, Palazzo dei Capitani del Popolo, Teatro Ventidio Basso, until 24 September.

Autumn gardens

“In the sense of water” is the underlying theme of the 2023 edition of Orticolario. An experience of design, art, thematic gardens, rare, unusual and collectible plants, artistic craftsmanship, with over 270 exhibitors in the park and exhibition center overlooking Lake Como. Guest Antonio Marras.

The poster of “Orticolario 2023”

INFO: Como, Villa Erba, from 28 September to 1 October.

The Agora of ideas

Cultural and social insights related to architecture, innovation and biodiversity are at the center of the festival Agora Design. Laboratories, conferences, thematic workshops, the Iperlocale exhibition: architecture and design from the territories and many guests: from Giovanna Castiglioni to Riccardo Falcinelli, Paolo Casati, Francesco Faccin.

An opportunity to discover the architectural and landscape beauties of this corner of Salento.
INFO: Martano (Lecce), Baronial Palace and historic center, from 28 September to 1 October.

The poets of tomorrow

The Cetonaverde Poetry Award was born in 2005 by desire of the poet and writer Mariella Cerutti Morocco, in memory of her husband Antonio Maria Marocco. Winners of the 2023 edition are German Durs Grünbein (for the International Award section) e Mario Santagostini (for the Italian Poet Award).

Mariella Cerutti Marocco, founder of the “Cetonaverde Poetry Prize” (photo by Nadia Gentile).

The event gives space and voice to young poets: the public will proclaim the winner among the six finalists.
INFO: Cetona (Siena), Piazzetta Colleggiata, on 29 and 30 September.

Brazilian previews

Come back Agenda Brasil International Brazilian film festival: 18 films, including 15 premieres. Opens I’m walking by Guto Parente, fresh winner at Tribeca in New York. In addition to the films, the dance seminar Sambandothe culinary laboratory Panggiosothe musical performance Brazilian Kaleidoscope: Rhythm and Color from Brazil to Italy.

A frame from the film

INFO: Milan, Anteo, from 26 September to 8 October.

