The Czech Republic relaxes the corona mask requirement indoors

PRAGUE (dpa-AFX) – In view of the falling number of corona cases, the Czech Republic is lifting the general obligation to wear masks indoors. “We’re relaxing!” Health Minister Vlastimil Valek wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. From next week onwards, an FFP2 mask will only have to be worn on buses and trains, as well as in health facilities and retirement homes, but not in shops.

The Czech Republic was one of the first countries to introduce a mask requirement right at the beginning of the corona pandemic two years ago. According to current figures, there were 498 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days – only a good third of the value in Germany.

Citizens of other EU countries must still register before entering the country and provide proof of vaccination or a test. Exceptions are short stays of less than 24 hours./hei/DP/ngu
