The Czech court found it permissible to extradite the Russian Franchetti to Ukraine

Politics ,


The City Court of Prague found it permissible to extradite Russian Franchetti to Ukraine

Alexander Franchetti in Ukraine is accused of participating in an illegal armed formation and involvement in the “occupation of Crimea”. After the arrest, Franchetti said that he had passed information to the Russian Navy

The Prague City Court found it permissible to extradite Russian Alexander Franchetti to Ukraine. Denis Kashitsyn, a lawyer, told RBC about this.

“The Prague City Court today ruled that the extradition of Alexander Franchetti to Ukraine is permissible,” Kashitsyn said.

He noted that the Prague Court allows the extradition of Franchetti in connection with Ukraine’s accusation of participation in an illegal armed formation.

“This decision was appealed on the spot. The grounds for the appeal will be prepared in the near future. After that, the case will be considered in the highest court, that is, in the Supreme Court of Prague. Along with this, the process of granting refugee status is underway, ”Kashitsyn said.

RBC turned to the Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic for comment.
