The crime that will replace sedition will reduce the maximum sentence to 5 years in prison

Pedro Sanchez wants to replace the crime of sedition with another of “aggravated public disorder” with a maximum sentence of 5 years. PSOE and United We Can register this Friday in Congress a bill to reform the crime of sedition and create a new definition of the crime of “aggravated public disorder.” The text, to which EL PERIÓDICO has had access, details that this new figure will act against those who “as a group” attempt “against public peace” and there is “violence or intimidation.” The reform promoted abolishes chapter 1 title XXII of the Penal Code which dealt with the crime of sedition, for which it disappears from the Spanish legal system.

The proposed prison sentences range from three to five years “when they are committed by a crowd whose number, organization and purpose are suitable to seriously affect public order.” In case of authority, the penalty of disqualification will be absolute for a period of six to eight years. PSOE and Podemos introduce this legal change that ERC is demanding as a bill, a formula that allows them to avoid the obligation to request reports from the Council of State and the General Council of the Judiciary.

The PSOE recalls that some European countries were unable to extradite some leaders on the run because the types of crimes were not approved

The spokesman for the socialist parliamentary group, Patxi Lopezhas played down the importance of the method and has recalled that in the last nine legislatures, governments of all colors have used this system to modify the Penal Code 10 times.


López has defended that his Government standardizes the legal system of some countries in the European environment and has recalled that, after the unilateral declaration of independence, some of those states could not collaborate judicially with Spain “it was not possible”. “A comparable type of crime was required that did not exist and that prevented, among other things, extraditions,” he pointed out.

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In a press conference in Congress to defend the legal reform, the socialist spokesman stressed that “Catalonia is infinitely better today than in 2017”. “Now the Generalitat is committed in writing to comply with the legal legal system, and that the solutions are broad and cross-cutting for all of Catalan society, as agreed at the dialogue table in July. Now the majority of Catalans want to stay in Spain and not leave it as happened before. Now there is no unit of action for independence, victimhood has disappeared, which is what brings them together the most”, he reflected. He was indirectly referring to the fact that Junts has disdained this reform of the crime of sedition and has described it as a “new trap” by the Government to CKD.

The Impact on the Socialist Voter

Journalists have asked if the PSOE has calculated the impact that this legal reform may have on the socialist voter, who will go to the polls next May in the regional and municipal elections. López considers that the socialist leaders must know how to explain the reasons that have led Sánchez to take steps to improve “coexistence in Catalonia” since they came to the Government, in May 2018. “The one that has done the most for unity and coexistence in this country has been this Government. And that our voters they will understand perfectly“, he has argued after recalling that during the Executive of Mariano Rajoy (PP) two illegal consultations were carried out and independence was declared.
