The cover of NEWS that anticipated the fight between the Kirchners and Báez

The relationship of Lazarus Baez with Cristina and Maximo Kirchner had begun to crack at the end of 2010, after the death of Nestor Kirchner. Báez was a friend of the former president, and to close all the public works deals he spoke directly with him.

After the death of his friend, Lázaro lost fluidity in his relationship with the widow and her son. Cristina never liked him very much, and Máximo always had preferences for him. Rudy Ulloa Igor, also a friend of his father: the relationship between Rudy and Máximo is so good that the son of the former president chose the Ateneo Néstor Kirchner that Ulloa founded in Río Gallegos to launch his candidacy for national deputy in 2015.

Within Kirchnerism there are many sectors that rejoiced at the baez fall. Rudy Ulloa himself, who is a close friend of Ricardo Echegaray, sent him a text message after he said in an interview that “Lazaro is going to end up in jail.” “Count on me for whatever you need”, she wrote to him in a clear allusion to Báez.

A sector of hard-core Kirchnerism was shocked by the images of “The Pinkie” and although they do not confess it in public, in private they are very hard with Lázaro. A former K-weight official was brutal to NEWS: “Lázaro went rogue. he did a lot to her damage to Kirchnerism”.

Some maintain that after Kirchner’s death, the businessman disbanded and began to manage the businesses –which previously had the control of his friend– on his own account and without answering to anyone. That benevolent thesis would exclude responsibility for Máximo and Cristina, who supposedly did not know what Lázaro was doing.

But the truth is that it is difficult to support that theory since Báez was directly intertwined with the K family. Through the Valle Miter company, he was in charge of administering the High Calafatethe Kirchners’ hotel, and rented rooms even though no one used them for an amount of 14 million pesos.

They built a condominium together in El Calafate and through the partnership the willows carried out real estate transactions and even They built a hotel in El Chaltén. In addition, Báez built and donated the mausoleum where Néstor Kirchner rests, among other direct links.

In September 2013 NOTICIAS revealed the testimony of Horace Quirogaa former director of two Báez oil companies who revealed that he had seen count 7 million dollars on top of a table that Kirchner had sent to Lázaro.

“Lázaro was left with a lot of works. They were awarded and paid for and I shouldn’t be the only one who has to explain”, they say around them. Those in charge of allocating these funds were the former Minister of Planning, Julio De Vido, and his Secretary of Public Works, Jose Lopez, who a year ago was confirmed sentenced to 7 years in prison in the “Case of the bags.” His sentence will end on the 14th of December 2023when the government of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner would be closing the cycle.

by RN

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