The court extends the case against Oltra for another six months


11/02/2023 at 2:46 p.m.


The new instruction period ends on April 30

The judge considers that essential procedures for the investigation must be carried out, such as the statements of those investigated and witnesses.

The head of the Court of Instruction number 15 of Valencia has agreed extend the investigation of the case where it is being investigated for another six months, among others, the former vice president of the Valencian Government Monica Oltra for alleged omission to help a minor under the guardianship of the Generalitat, who was a victim of sexual abuse from her ex-husband.

According to sources from the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community, the extension of the instruction has been agreed because “Essential procedures for the investigation must be carried out, such as the statements of those investigated and witnesses.”

“This new instruction period ends on April 30, without prejudice to the fact that the investigation could be concluded before it or that it may have to be extended again to carry out new proceedings,” according to the same sources.

Oltra resigned as vice president and counselor for Equality and Inclusive Policies, and also as deputy in Les Corts Valencianes, in June 2022 after being investigated within the framework of this judicial case for alleged failure to provide assistance to a minor under the guardianship of the Generalitatwho was a victim of sexual abuse by her ex-husband.
