The couple made a joint decision in case of old age

Entertainer Pirkko Mannola and his fiance Göran Stubb have decided to live one day at a time. The engaged couple wants to live in a shared home for as long as possible.

– I’m not old, I’ve just lived a long time, 84-year-old entertainer Pirkko Mannola quotes an ex-politician Talk From Zilliacus at the dining table in his home in Espoo.

The spring sun shines brightly through the hall window directly into the kitchen. Mannola takes a moment to update how dirty the window glass is after the winter, but returns to the topic.

– I don’t think getting old is nice, but it’s a matter of attitude. I try to pamper myself a lot, but you still can’t avoid what aging brings. You can’t take as much and the recovery is slower, he sums up.

Entertainer Pirkko Mannola turns 85 this year. The passion for art is still steadfast. Jenni Gästgivar

Mannola has been thinking about aging lately, because she is going to a seminar to talk about it.

– Body and mind change. At the same time, you think that there are more years behind than ahead. How do I live this time, what’s left? Mannola thinks aloud.

There were even thoughts of withdrawing from the public eye.

– I noticed that I still have the fire and desire to do something. Now, especially when we’re planning a new tour, I’m really excited. I’m not ready for a rocking chair yet, he says decisively.

According to Mannola, aging is a matter of attitude. Jenni Gästgivar

Under a common roof

Mannola moved to a terraced house in Tapiola after her ex-husband, actor Åke Lindman, died in 2009. However, Mannola is not alone, she got engaged to a hockey influencer Goran Stubb88, with in 2016.

Stubb recently sold his apartment and moved in with Mannola. According to the entertainer, growing old together keeps the mind fresh and creates a sense of security.

– We get along well with Göran. We have a similar mindset and sense of humor. When Göran was in Rauma for three days, on the first day I was surprised that everything was strange when I was all alone. I give thanks every night that I have Göran.

The relationship creates security and keeps Mannola’s mind fresh. Jenni Gästgivar

After getting engaged, Mannola describes her everyday life as a romantic who takes responsibility for household chores.

– I admire how Göran ages. He is persistent. Göran gets on the exercise bike every morning, I don’t do it every morning. He regularly does his chores and knows how to rhythm his everyday life.

Moving to a service house has not crossed Mannola’s mind, although some of her friends have already visited one for themselves “just to be sure”. The couple has decided to do otherwise.

– We decided with Göran that as long as the legs carry and the head works, we will live one day at a time. Then if the other person’s head starts tossing or the memory doesn’t work, then it’s pointed out right away. We’ll see where this life leads.

Mannola’s wishes are to live with her fiance in a shared home for as long as possible in good health. Jenni Gästgivar

10,000 steps

Mannola’s public career started in the late 50s. At that time, she was crowned Miss Finland and the doors also opened to the world of cinema.

Sometimes during the interview he remembers his old plays and sometimes he gets excited to share a clip Mama wants to see you – from the song with which he competed in Germany’s Eurovision qualifier By Wyn Hoop with in 1962.

Mannola’s world conquest started through pageants. Jenni Gästgivar

Mannola sighs at the table that a lot has happened in life.

In 2019, a comedy directed by Taru Mäkelä was released A perfect Christmas. Mannola was offered a film role for a long time, for which the actor was really taken.

However, the filming was overshadowed by Mannola’s breast cancer diagnosis.

– I called Taru to ask how we would be able to film when we have to undergo radiation treatments. I was so scared that I would have to give up the role.

However, things worked out and Mannola was able to participate in the filming. The actor recalls how the film crew drove him to cancer treatments at the end of the filming days. Now Mannola has healthy papers, for which he is grateful. He feels that there has also been luck on the journey.

– When you get to this age, everything hurts. I have continued living the same way as before. Of course, I try to take care of myself in the best possible way.

Mannola is going on tour in the fall. Taking care of your own well-being is an important part of preparation. Jenni Gästgivar

He attends various yoga and pilates classes during the week. Sometimes the world is improved with long pole-walking runs, a make-up artist Raili Hulkkonen with. The goal is to get 10,000 steps a day.

Mannola has a specific goal of staying in good shape. He turns 85 in December. Before that, he’s heading out on a long tour.

– Even though the tour is only in the fall, it’s always on my mind. Maybe this will be my last big tour. After this, they are smaller-scale occurrences.

Makeup: Raili Hulkkonen. Hair: Sanni Pohjalainen. Styling: Henna Koste. Clothes: Dress, lilac collared shirt and denim jacket Esprit. Silver shoes: Unisa.
