The Council sees senior housing on Rolde brink, but there are concerns about trees

The city council of Aa en Hunze is positive about the construction of seven senior homes on the brink in Rolde. However, there are concerns in the council about the future of a row of trees right next to the intended construction site.

The single-storey owner-occupied homes are planned on the former site of the Brands construction company. The company’s workshop is no longer used and the large shed on the brink has been empty for years.

The commercial buildings must be demolished to make way for the apartments. There is a plan for twelve parking spaces for cars in the current courtyard. The existing basement will be expanded to be converted into storage space for future residents.

There are some concerns among the PvdA, D66 and GroenLinks. The parties fear that damage will occur to a row of seven trees on the edge of the green during the work. If they survive construction, the trees will be planted close to the houses.

“What about overhanging branches that can pose a danger? If you remove them, you only have half a tree left. These trees are doomed to be cut down,” says D66 council member Arie Fonk.

Alderman Ivo Berghuis (Municipal Interests) disagrees. According to him, it was decided from the start that the trees should not be cut down. “You can remove overhanging branches, but that doesn’t mean you can halve a tree.”

D66, GroenLinks and the PvdA are not convinced and want the municipality to have the preservation of the trees recorded in the permit. Alderman Berghuis says he will come back to that.

In addition to the trees, there is extra attention for the windmill of Rolde. It is also on the brink. A resident of the village pointed out that the project developer should take this into account. Four of the homes will be on the ground floor, three of them will be on the first floor.

To ensure that the mill still gets enough wind to operate, it is not allowed to build too high in the area.

The municipality of Aa en Hunze writes that advice has been requested from the Molenstichting. He sees no objections to the construction of the senior apartments.

The council will decide on the plan on June 29.
