The Council of Ministers will approve the parity law that will affect constitutional bodies

05/23/2023 at 10:05


In addition to the Government and the councils of the companies, it will set a minimum number of women for the TC and the CGPJ, among others

The President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Monday that he Minister council this Tuesday will approve the Parity Representation Law in the second roundto send it to the Congress of Deputies.

This law will also affect the constitutional bodies of the State, that is, the Constitutional Court, the General Council of the Judiciary, the Council of State, the Court of Accounts or the Fiscal Council so that they have equal representation.

This has been announced at a PSOE rally in Santander, in one of the acts of the electoral campaign for the municipal and regional elections that are held on Sunday, May 28. Sánchez has indicated that the Government will approve this norm, so that get ahead definitively in this legislatureThat is, before the end of the year.

The bill also includes that the bodies in charge of ensuring compliance with the obligations of equal representation in listed companies and public interest entities will be the CNMV and the Women’s Institute, respectively.

The law will require that there be a presence of at least 40% women in governmentthe boards of directors of large companies, electoral candidacies, through rack lists, professional associations and public recognition juries.

The government approved this rule in the first round last March, although at that time it only affected the electoral lists, the composition of the Government, the boards of directors of large companies, the governing boards of professional associations and the juries for the public recognition of personalities. Now the Government has introduced a modification so that it also affects the constitutional bodies.

It bothers the right

Sánchez says that he knows that this measure will seem excessive to the right and he would prefer that did not take any decision in this regardbut for the socialists, as he has indicated, it is “justice” that half the female population has half the political and economic power.

Those who doubt the effectiveness of this initiative have been asked to consult a report from the International Monetary Fund that says that if all the talent present in society is used and parity is incorporated, the economy can grow between 12 and 15%. further.

“It is not only a question of justice, which would already be enough, but also It is a matter of economic efficiency, progress and prosperity of societies“, has added.

Quotas favor meritocracy

In this sense, she has defended the establishment of quotas in society despite the fact that “the right and the extreme right” say that it goes against meritocracy and has complained about the low presence of women in certain areas of society.

For example, he has indicated that when one visits any ministry, “the only thing you see on the walls are portraits of ex-ministers, never see ex-minister or few have seen“, he has complained. In addition, he has stated that thanks to the quotas approved by the PSOE, Spain currently has 47% more women deputies than during the Transition.

Sánchez has also defended that your government is committed to equality and has a large presence of women, but the same does not happen, for example, in the world of large companies. At this point, she recalled that the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, refused to take photos with juries where there are only men or to attend talks in which there are only male speakers.

“Therefore, much remains to be done in the field of equal representation by women in many circles and private dimensions,” he added.

Despite launching this criticism, he has affirmed that the countries that have established quota policies have multiplied the presence of women on the boards of directors of companies in a decade. Specifically, she has stated that has increased this milestone from 13% to 35% while the States that have not done so have only increased the number of women in companies by three points.

Feijóo health cuts

Along the same lines that he has maintained throughout the campaign, Sánchez has defended his management and stressed that the PSOE is the party that most defends public services and the Welfare State, against a PP that applies cuts.

In this sense, he has charged against the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for saying that the 580 million for public health announced by Sánchez this weekend are insufficient. In addition, he has accused him of cutting 1,000 million euros from public healthremove 900 beds and lay off 1,300 health professionals during his time at the helm of the Xunta de Galicia. “And he comes here to say that it is insufficient,” he reproached.

Sánchez has also stressed that in the last five years, that is, since he was in La Moncloa, the Government has transferred 40% more to the autonomous communities than what the previous Executive of Mariano Rajoy allocated.
