“The council has acted correctly”

  • The councilor and three other responsible or former responsible for the district of Gràcia must declare in September for embezzlement and prevarication

The councilor of Gràcia, Eloi Badiawhich must declare as investigated in September as a result of the complaint filed by residents of a block near the headquarters of the Casal Popular Tres Lliris, a premises ceded by the city council to the young people of the entity, who occupied the property in 2015, considers that the matter will end without consequences for the Barcelona City Council. The complainants maintain that the city council should have opened a public tender in the process by which it granted the headquarters to the casal.

The consistory closed a transfer agreement in 2017, and there is the origin of the complaint for embezzlement and prevarication to Badia and other municipal employees: the former district manager Pere C., his successor Rufino G., the director of Gràcia services José María R. and the former manager of the Municipal Housing Board Àngels M.

block neighbors

The complaint for which the judge has summoned Badia to declare as investigated starts from that 2017 assignment was made without public attendance, and therefore, according to the complainants, illegally. in a car, the head of the court of instruction number 27 of Barcelona agrees to admit the complaint, presented by the community of owners of Calle Torrent de l’Olla, 203, where the occupied property is located.

“I think that the city council has acted correctly & rdquor ;, affirms the mayor, who emphasizes that it is common for premises to be transferred to entities without competition: “In the city there are about 300 in that situation & rdquor ;.

Badia remembers how the district opened a file for the cessation of activity of the premises in November 2020 before the complaints of the neighbors, who denounced inconvenience by the users of the premises. Then, the city council affirmed that it had acted on the notices, but the neighbors stressed that they had felt unassisted.

Change of actitud

Before the dismissal file, the young people were appealing, and Badia says that in the summer of 2021 a change of attitude was noticed in the group, which was more conducive to the agreement. From this change in trend, the city council and the casal approached positions and last March they ended up signing a second agreement with another four years of duration that, according to Badia, includes the planned soundproofing works and is stricter against the massive use of the terrace of the premises, one of the points that have generated neighborhood complaints.

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According to the councilman, the biggest problem occurs when the activities that the casal organizes within the headquarters conclude. The same thing that happens in so many bars, in cases where the discussion is open. The parishioners who are concentrated outside generate inconvenience to the neighbors who sleep a few meters away. It is common for the neighbors to consider that the premises should take care that this does not happen. It is common for those responsible for the premises to maintain that only the Guàrdia Urbana has the authority to order those who are in public spaces.

“We have asked the casal to close as soon as it concludes its activity & rdquor ;, emphasizes the mayor, who recalls that the prosecution filed a complaint about the noise, and trusts that the new complaint will follow the same path.
