The cop-spy-journalist Zanchetta fears for his life

The phone rings on Friday afternoon, November 24. When you answer, before you can say “hello,” you hear the recorded voice of a woman saying: “This call comes from a prison.”

News: Hello.

Ariel Zanchetta: Hello, I’m Ariel Zanchetta.

The former police officer, turned journalist and accused of being a spy, could be heard a little agitated and angry. He decided to call for help and report that his health problems were getting worse.

News: Ariel, how are you?

Zanchetta: Bad. They have abandoned me. I don’t have the medication, I’m eating poorly and no one responds.

News: Why? What do you need?

Zanchetta: Let them take care of me. My blood glucose values ​​are through the roof, my legs hurt, I can’t sleep well (her voice breaks). These sons of bitches want to kill me.

Ariel Zanchetta is the former police officer who was detained after being accused of spying on politicians, businessmen, journalists and judges and sending reports to Deputy K, Rodolfo Tailhade and AFIP spokesperson, Fabián “Conu” Rodríguez (see box).
Zanchetta’s lawyer, Fernando Scanavino, presented a brief to request that medical reports be carried out “very urgently” and that he be provided with a “recommended diet.”

He argues that his client’s deterioration in health began after the change of place of detention. “My client is a type 2 diabetic patient who, since his arrest in June of this year, was housed in the Gendarmerie squad and given the food he was given, subsequent measurements remained at normal values,” begins his letter. lawyer. And it continues: “Since his admission to the Marcos Paz prison, the food supply not only does not respect the instructions for the case, but, on the contrary, threatens his health since he lacks food according to the stage of his illness.” , the lawyer continued and also detailed that Zanchetta had a “great weight loss” and symptoms such as “numbness of the upper and lower limbs, appearance of boils, high glucose measurement, intense headaches, back pain and pain when pee”. All “symptoms that are enhanced in these conditions of prolonged confinement.” On this point, Scanavino in communication with NOTICIAS maintained that physical exercise is good for a diabetic patient and that Zanchetta, when he lived in Junín, “at least he went out for a walk. He now he does nothing.”

An episode that Zanchetta relates is that since he was imprisoned he did not receive medical attention and even last week when they went to assist him, he says that they mistreated him and “ignored the prescription of his family doctor, who requested clinical studies on the production of insulin in the pancreas” to know “the stage of the disease.”

After many twists and turns, federal judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi took action on the matter and sent a letter to the Penitentiary Service. “The Federal Penitentiary Complex II of Marcos Paz is requested to send to this court, as a matter of urgency, a report containing the blood glucose controls carried out on Ariel Pedro Zanchetta since his admission to date,” the magistrate’s letter began and added that they must also “provide all medical check-ups carried out, as well as report the diet that is provided and any issue that is of interest to know, linked to their special health condition.”

Zanchetta became an uncomfortable character for the Government because his phones, computers and hard drives are being analyzed by Justice and a dozen plaintiffs, including Antonio “Jaime” Stiuso, Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro, Silvio Robles –secretary by Horacio Rosatti – and other political actors about whom Zanchetta accumulated information.

The case could escalate to other government officials and activists who had conversations with Zanchetta, not only through written messages, but also audio messages.

When this magazine began to find out about Zanchetta’s state of health, it found that not only was the former police officer’s defense lawyer the only one concerned about the medical check-ups, but that some complainants – the court sources did not want to specify who – had also He asked the judge to please “take care of Zanchetta,” because the prisoner was in the hands of Kirchnerism, which would be the main political sector harmed by Zanchetta’s adventures.

From prison, Zanchetta complains about the unequal treatment he receives compared to other cases in which there was espionage and no one is in prison. And it is compared to the case of the relatives of the victims of the Ara San Juan submarine, in which all those accused of espionage such as Mauricio Macri, Gustavo Arribas and Silvia Majdalani ended up being cleared of responsibilities, as did the “Mario Bros” gang. , who spied on politicians, businessmen and journalists between 2016 and 2019 and are all free.

Zanchetta fears that they will forget about him. The media agenda mutated towards the inauguration of the new Government and no one remembers the espionage case anymore. Maybe his call was for that, to stay on the radar.

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