“The coolest and dumbest thing in the world”

Sanni’s first song Prinsessoja & astronautta was published exactly ten years ago.

Sanni is one of Finland’s most popular musicians. Inka Soveri

Singer Sanni, aka Sanni Kurkisuo, posted a nostalgic photo collection on Instagram, in which she remembers her first single released exactly ten years ago. Published in April 2013 Princesses & astronauts -song brought the young artist to the attention of the entire nation.

– I couldn’t have imagined how completely my life would change in one night when Princesses & Astronauts went on the air.

Now Sanni is one of the most successful artists in the whole country. He adds pictures of himself posing as a younger person to the side of the writing, as well as kissing his first Emma statue.

You can watch the embed as well from here.

– A black duck face can still be cool in a retro way. Let’s think, he writes.

The artist, who turns 30 this year, thanks all the people who have been with him on his journey.

– Still the coolest and dumbest thing in the world.

He also told the Ylex radio channel uploaded to Instagram Behind the lyrics – video, which is what the lyrics of the song published ten years ago tell. Sanni has written the song himself and composed it together Hank Solo with.

– I remember one evening at Cafe Mascot in Helsinki. That’s when I somehow started to think that “The clock is on, the spitters are shiny” and how people somehow look as if they are all together. Still, they are all the same, he says in the video.
