The controversial French pension reform will enter into force on September 1

The controversial pension reform recently approved in France already has a date of entry into force. He French government spokesman, Olivier Veranhas said this Saturday that the norm that raises the retirement age by two years will officially begin to roll on September 1.

“It is the September date that was chosen,” Véran pointed out in statements to the TF1 chain collected by Europa Press. In addition, it has also specified that the retirement age will rise “little by little” from the current 62 years to 64. “At the end of the five-year term, he will be 63 years old,” said this spokesman, who specified that we will have to wait for the next five-year presidential term for the retirement age to finally reach 64 years.

Véran has acknowledged that the last few weeks have been difficult for many French people, a situation in which he has been “convinced” that there is a “will” and a “need” for appeasement in the country. In fact, this need to “proceed peacefully with the French and the social partners“This political representative has attributed the law to having been promulgated in the middle of the night from Friday to Saturday.

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On her side, the parliamentary spokesperson for Macron’s party, Renaissance, Aurora Bergé, has defended that this is something normal. “The President of the Republic never takes long to promulgate: there is no controversy,” he has settled. At the same time, the general secretary of this political organization, Stephane Sejournehas defended it as an “unpopular, but necessary” reform and has charged against the opposition for its criticism led by the leftist leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the far-right Marine Le Pen. More expeditious has been the Delegate Minister of Public Accounts of the French Government, gabriel attalwho has asked to “go on to something else”.

In any case, the spokesman Véran has promised in his statements to TF1 that the president of the country, Emmanuel Macron, “will immediately approach” the unions to talk. It is these organizations in defense of workers’ rights that have been calling demonstrations in recent weeks against this pension reform and have already warned that they will not sit down to negotiate unless the initiative is withdrawn, now converted into law after its publication in the Official Journal of the French Republicthe official gazette of the French State.
