The contact of Justice with citizens. The role of Lawyers in hearings and their function in the process. Second part.

Just as the client must prepare for hearings, so must the attorney. The planning of the case strategy is your exclusive responsibility, as well as the legal approach.

Can the audience become the bridge that is required to get closer to the objective?

Every procedural act can be used as a tool to achieve the objective. This is a principle that the lawyer should not lose sight of, because the client is focused on his vision plagued by emotionality that at times makes him lose his way.

Each writing, conversation, hearing are opportunities to lay paths towards a solution. To do this, one must avoid republishing in judicial presentations the story that places the client and the counterparty in a place of helplessness that immerses them in their emotions and fuels the conflict.

The lawyer is the compass that must continually set the course.

For this, it is essential that the professional review whether the case that is being presented to him raises his own issues that he has not resolved and in such case, he must excuse himself from intervening, since it is expected that his own issues will mix with the client’s issues and this becomes an explosive situation that is not good for anyone.

How many lawyers can accompany the client to the hearing?

There is not limit. However, there must be a strategic justification for more than one lawyer to attend. Without planning, it may happen that everyone plays a similar role, for example, being intransigent, and such a circumstance not only does not add up, but becomes an obstacle.

Greater quantity does not imply greater quality. The client may feel supported by several lawyers but if the role they play is not good, it will be a problem. This poor legal performance will seek a form of balance that can determine an extralegal confrontation between lawyers that merits a complaint to the bar association or a fine in the process.

Planning implies thinking that if there are three lawyers, there are three different roles, the one who makes the most rigid proposals, the one who tries to bring positions closer together, and the observer.

In my opinion, each family case is assimilated to an open-brain operation, where each movement must be measured by the serious consequences it can cause and the responsibility that this implies.

Who should speak at the hearing?

If the event was carefully prepared, the lawyer will intervene in the legal part and the client will know what issues he can talk about and what is the best time. The fundamental thing is not to lose the objective of the questions that are essential to raise.

Ana Laura Diaz

Inquiries on Instagram: @rupturas.inteligentes

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