The ‘consellera’ Alsina becomes a member of Junts to defend the permanence in the Government

The Minister of Foreign Action and the Open Government, Victoria Alsina, has formalized this weekend his militancy in Together for Catalonia. On more than one occasion, he has publicly stated that “there is no stronger commitment than representing the Junts project from the Govern, from the government of your country”, so now he has decided to go one step further and become a militant to defend permanence in the Government. The incumbent will be able to participate as of today, Monday, with voice and vote in the meetings of the Junts executive, as a “militant minister”, but instead will not be able to vote in the consultationsince the census will only include affiliates with a seniority of at least six months.

Alsina affirms that it is in difficult moments that “it is more valuable to roll up your sleeves and work as much as necessary” – in reference to the crisis of the Government that the Junts and ERC coalition partners are experiencing. The ‘consellera’ is convinced that this complicated moment in which the sovereignty movement finds itself can be turned around, a moment of confusion, with an economic and social crisis of unknown scope, with a world context that presents many uncertainties derived from the war of Ukraine, the energy crisis, the climate emergency or the rise of populism. “And it is in difficult times -says the ‘consellera’-, when you have to work harder than ever.

Victoria Alsina -he assures- he has become a militant to help make Junts the central party of Catalonia, and above all to work at the service of the citizens of Catalonia from the institutions.

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The ‘consellera’ wants to defend this position at the meeting of the executive of joints scheduled for today, the first to which she will be able to attend as a member of the party’s militant councilor. Alsina affirms that she becomes a militant “with the unequivocal message of the necessary permanence of Junts in the Government, precisely to ensure its course towards independence and the representation of 52% of the citizens who voted to advance towards that objective”. And with the willingness to campaign actively throughout the country to convince the Junts militancy that we have to be in the Government to advance towards the Catalan state & rdquor ;, he adds.

The Minister of Foreign Action He was at the Tarraco Arena on Sunday with a group of consuls to show them one of the most spectacular manifestations of Catalan culture, the Tarragona ‘castells’ contest. alsinawho has always defended that foreign action begins at home, wanted to give a casteller simile to justify the step he has taken: “it is time to close ranks, it is time to join forces, it is time to work together to make giant challenges possible, exciting challenges & rdquor ;.
