The Congress of Deputies asks to eliminate the mask indoors with the support of the PSOE

The full of Congress of Deputies has approved a Citizens motion that asks the Government to eliminate the use of the mask indoors and that has come out go ahead with the vote in favor of the PSOE and Voxthe abstention of groups such as United We Can and the vote against the PP, PNV and the Canarian Coalition.

The motion (approved with 184 votes in favor, 91 against and 57 abstentions) urges the coalition government of PSOE and United We Can to eliminate the mandatory use of masks indoors “in line with scientific evidence, with the epidemiological situation and with comparative perspective.

The PSOE has finally voted in favor of this Ciudadanos initiative after transacting a amendment stating that the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System It is the framework in which to take “the appropriate steps to address the reconsideration of the measures to contain the pandemic.”

As it is a motion, the initiative is not mandatoryas it happens with a law.

However, the spokesman for Citizens in Congress, Edmundo Bal, commented at a press conference after the plenary session that “the Government will not want to disobey what its own parliamentary group insinuates.”

Precisely the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, said on Wednesday in the control session in plenary in response to a question from Citizens on this issue that the Ministry of Health will decide to withdraw the obligation to wear a mask indoors “the second after” that health professionals recommend it. “I anticipate that there is one day less to lift it,” he added.

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The Health and Consumption Commission of Congress rejected on Tuesday a non-law proposal from Vox that, in line with what Ciudadanos has proposed, asked to eliminate the use of masks outdoors and indoors, except in health and social health spaces.

In this case, Vox only had the support of Ciudadanos, while the PSOE deputy Josefa Andrés described the initiative as a “denialist plan”.
