The confederation of ridiculous republics

The former president has been invited again José María Aznar to ‘A coffee with Susanna Griso’ (A-3 TV). With that state of alarm and permanent shock that characterizes him, he has diagnosed that Spain could disappear as a nation, transformed into a “a confederation of ridiculous republics.” Ah! The consternation was palpable on that set of ‘Public Mirror’.

Man, if the diminutive is removed, and the disparaging adjective is deleted, there remains the Confederation of Republics. Depending on how they fit together, it is not the apocalypse either. It could be debated. Starting by analyzing the Swiss Confederation, which is a collegiate head of state among eight. This system is not bad for the Swiss. You could have asked Aznar what do you think. From a strictly television point of view, these ‘Cafés con Susanna’ lately draw a unidirectional political chromaticism, we could say. As a visibility platform it is very analysable. Let’s write down only the last creatures invited to coffee.

The one before Aznar was Feijóo, leader of the current PP; previous, Nicolás Redondo Terreros, expelled from the PSOE in September; the previous one was Isabel Díaz Ayuso, leader of the PP of Madrid and president of that community; previous Felipe González, the former socialist president who abhors the current socialist government…. I won’t continue, because I would be left without a backbone. These guests have a common characteristic: their aversion to Sanchez. In other words, these ‘coffees with…’ are clear and do not deceive: they follow a very clear editorial line. There was a lack of coffee Emiliano García Pageyes, the socialist president of Castilla La Mancha and at the same time a wayward dissident of Pedro Sánchez, of his amnesty and his political pacts.

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Garcia Page He hasn’t been there because he was ahead of them. Gonzo (‘Saved’, La Sexta). It’s not serious. Everything remains in the same empire. Gonzo What he has done with this politician has been different: he has pitted him against socialists who are with Sanchez and not with him. A young man blurted out: “Where you get the votes from is from the right.” He didn’t flinch Page. Maybe he was angry inside, or who knows, maybe he was happy. In the end she gave him Gonzo a headline that has been very successful. Page He confessed that if he had been in Congress, he would have abandoned his membership as a representative so as not to vote for Sanchez at his investiture. You have to invite him to ‘a coffee’ right away.
